Thursday, May 13, 2010

Movin' on Up

I'm finally starting to show!!! I was so excited when I was informed of this last weekend! And I'm starting to see it too. I've just felt chubby for several weeks now and it's great to know that I actually am pregnant and not just getting bigger.
I had to retire my tighter pair of jeans a few days ago. Everytime I put them on, all I could think about was taking them off. I've got one pair of my regular jeans that still fit okay, but I'm sure that is short lived. My sister-in-law brought over a huge bin of maternity clothes that she shares around with all her pregnant friends. Most of them are still too big for me, particularly the tops, but there is a pair of jeans I can start wearing right now and are way more comfy than my regular ones. I also went through my old bins of fat clothes and found some that will fill the gap between now and the time when my tummy fills out some more. I was kind of glad that some of the fat clothes are still way too big and for the most part it's just the tummy area that is using the extra space :-) Still the vain woman apprently.
In other news, I'm battling my first pregnant cold, armed with naught but nasal spray, tylenol and a neti pot. Honestly, not using any decongestant, I'm not sure the decongestant ever did any good.

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