Monday, May 17, 2010

First Belly Picture!

This is my first official belly picture. I'm 15 weeks here. I was so excited when everyone told me on Mother's Day that I was actually looking pregnant! A week later I'm starting to see it more; certain tops exacerbate it (I try to wear those :-) I find it funny that most of my life I've had to search high and low to find shirts that are not too long. Now that my tummy is getting bigger all those tops that fit just right over a flat tummy are starting to creep up. I really enjoy seeing all the changes my body is going through. It's actually really fun!Things are going well still. We had an OB appt on Friday and everything is great! Baby is slowly moving up and his/her heartrate was 160, perfectly healthy. There was some debate over whether I had actually gained 12 pounds in the 4 weeks since my last appointment (I've been tracking it at home and I hadn't gained anything of the sort, more like 4-6). Apparently the previous doctor's office measurement was really low, lower than my pre-pregnancy weight, but I managed to convince them of this and didn't receive any lectures. We had to re-schedule our next appointment due to Jeff having a work conflict and now we get to find out boy or girl 4 days earlier which is only 3 WEEKS from today! You can bet we're excited!!!

I'm starting to get back to some of my regular exercising, at a lower intensity of course. It's great to be back in spin class and breaking a bit of a sweat. I've been doing a little light jogging as well; gotta keep those legs and lungs as much as I can. We went hiking Saturday with some friends at Wallace Falls. I am definitely not the same woman I was pre-pregnancy! I can still keep up, more or less, but the extra weight and lower lung capcity were quite apparent as I hauled myself up the mountain. Honestly, it was kind of hard to find myself bringing up the rear rather than leading the charge as I did last summer. But just the fact that I'm pregnant and still hiking has got to count for something, right?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

11 Week Ultrasound

This is the last ultrasound until week 20, which is the big one!
You can see Baby's little hands in this one.

A little baby face. How cute!

10 Week Ultrasound

Starting to look more like a baby and less like a gummy bear.

This one was my favorite so far. We had it out on the coffe table and everytime I walked by I was like, "Oh my goodness, it's really a baby!)

9 Week Ultrasound

This was the first week we saw Baby move. You can see his/her little hands and feet. We got to see him clap his little feet together. So cute!

8 Week Ultrasound

7 Week Ultrasound

6 Week Ultrasounds

Movin' on Up

I'm finally starting to show!!! I was so excited when I was informed of this last weekend! And I'm starting to see it too. I've just felt chubby for several weeks now and it's great to know that I actually am pregnant and not just getting bigger.
I had to retire my tighter pair of jeans a few days ago. Everytime I put them on, all I could think about was taking them off. I've got one pair of my regular jeans that still fit okay, but I'm sure that is short lived. My sister-in-law brought over a huge bin of maternity clothes that she shares around with all her pregnant friends. Most of them are still too big for me, particularly the tops, but there is a pair of jeans I can start wearing right now and are way more comfy than my regular ones. I also went through my old bins of fat clothes and found some that will fill the gap between now and the time when my tummy fills out some more. I was kind of glad that some of the fat clothes are still way too big and for the most part it's just the tummy area that is using the extra space :-) Still the vain woman apprently.
In other news, I'm battling my first pregnant cold, armed with naught but nasal spray, tylenol and a neti pot. Honestly, not using any decongestant, I'm not sure the decongestant ever did any good.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I've had so many cravings since being pregnant. I couldn't tell you one thing that I've just wanted all the time, except maybe for junk food. I went through a phase of dairy products on carbs. Mac and cheese, pizza, mushroom ravioli with alfredo sauce, butter on english muffins, sliced cheese melted on bread, cheese melted on tortillas. I went through a pickles phase and bought a couple kinds before I found the good ones (they're the Klassen ones by the way, in your groccer's refridgerator), but now I don't really care for pickles unless they're on a sandwich. The weirdest one so far was craving smoked salmon cream cheese. I don't really like smoked salmon and especially don't like it in cream cheese, so that was a little odd. Currently I'm just very impressionable, if someone mentions a food or I see it, I want it. I signed up last week to take a friend dinner and promised tacos. Well I had to have tacos that night myself! I had another friend ask for a recipe, I then had to make that recipe for myself. I had a conversation with my sister-in-law about Chinatown and now I'm craving crispy spring rolls, though I'm vacillating between that and a DQ Blizzard. There are two things that I normally love that I'm not really into right now, microwave popcorn (though movie theatre popcorn is still yummy) and thai food. They don't make me sick to think about, but they aren't really enticing at all. Luckily my regular appetite has returned enough that I am able to eat mostly healthy food, even a few vegetables.

Monday, May 3, 2010

14 weeks, 2 days

I'm definitely feeling a lot less tired and way more energetic now that I'm in 2nd trimester. We don't see the doctor for another 2 weeks, but we find out Baby's sex in a little over 5 weeks! We are so excited for that appointment!

I'm not showing too much; I think I look more like I've been eating a few too many doughnuts, a common thing among women I hear :-) My pants are a little snug, but more in the legs than the waist. I'm sure that won't last long. I'm really excited to start looking pregnant and wearing maternity clothes. My favorite pants to wear right now are loose with no discernable waistband; mmm, such comfort!

We haven't bought much for Baby yet, obviously we'll get more once we know if we'll be shopping for Andrew or Ainsley. The first thing we got was a stuffed octopus with squeaky legs. We fell in love with it and got it as our 12 week "present". This weekend I went to a rummage sale and got a diaper pale. I bumped into Lindsey and the girls at the sale. She got Baby a play mat and car seat snuggler, both of which I'm super excited about! It's so fun to have baby things around the house, it makes it feel more real that we are having a baby!

Hopefully we'll get some ultrasound photos posted on here soon.