Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I've had so many cravings since being pregnant. I couldn't tell you one thing that I've just wanted all the time, except maybe for junk food. I went through a phase of dairy products on carbs. Mac and cheese, pizza, mushroom ravioli with alfredo sauce, butter on english muffins, sliced cheese melted on bread, cheese melted on tortillas. I went through a pickles phase and bought a couple kinds before I found the good ones (they're the Klassen ones by the way, in your groccer's refridgerator), but now I don't really care for pickles unless they're on a sandwich. The weirdest one so far was craving smoked salmon cream cheese. I don't really like smoked salmon and especially don't like it in cream cheese, so that was a little odd. Currently I'm just very impressionable, if someone mentions a food or I see it, I want it. I signed up last week to take a friend dinner and promised tacos. Well I had to have tacos that night myself! I had another friend ask for a recipe, I then had to make that recipe for myself. I had a conversation with my sister-in-law about Chinatown and now I'm craving crispy spring rolls, though I'm vacillating between that and a DQ Blizzard. There are two things that I normally love that I'm not really into right now, microwave popcorn (though movie theatre popcorn is still yummy) and thai food. They don't make me sick to think about, but they aren't really enticing at all. Luckily my regular appetite has returned enough that I am able to eat mostly healthy food, even a few vegetables.

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