Thursday, July 15, 2010

Belly Photo (for your viewing pleasure)!

This picture is from tonight. I'm 24 weeks 5 days. I am always suprised at how big my tummy is getting when I see the picture. A store clerk commented that I looked like I was about ready to go; I responded that I was only 5 1/2 months. I wasn't offended, just shocked that the gal had obviously seen so few preggoes at 9 months that she thought I was even close to as big as I would get.

I'm still feeling pretty good. I am definitely having more pregnant days, tired and cranky, more cranky than tired. One of my friends called it "The Rage", which is about right. Everything is irritating and makes me upset or angry. I am trying to still be civil during these times, go lay down by myself for a little bit or just keep my mouth shut. Hopefully I've not offended anyone too badly. I get quite cranky in regards to food: not getting it when I want it, not having enough or the kind I like.

I went to the Cozy Baby Boutique today. It's a very small cloth diaper storefront. They had mostly pocket diapers, but also some contours and some fitted diapers as well as covers. Seeing them in person, I'm pretty much sold on the idea of cloth. I was really excited about them actually, particularly the one-size diapers that snap into smaller sizes for younger babies. I think that deep down, I know I'm going to go cloth, but just afraid to commit just yet. I will at some point though :-)

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