We found out about 3 weeks ago we're having a GIRL!!! Jeff knew she was a girl, but I was really expecting a boy, so I was very surprised. I am so excited to be having a girl! We already had her name picked out, but went through the Social Security top 1000 names, as well as a book with 17,500+ girls' names, just to be sure we had the right one picked. And we did. Her name will be Ainsley Bea. We heard Ainsley on a TV show and both thought it was a really cute, yet respectable name. Bea was my grandmother's name. Her full name was Beatrice, but she always hated it and went by Bea, thus it will be just the short version and only a middle name.
I've been feeling Ainsley kick and move for a while now. I vividly remember sitting in the car at the intersection of Avondale and Novelty Hill when I felt her for the first time and knew it just had to be her. It felt like a little brush on the inside of my tummy, super sweet! I'd been feeling some kicks before that, but wasn't sure if it was Ainsley, gas bubbles or my imagination. Since then I've felt her a lot more. Some times she just tumbles and tumbles, sometimes she thumps and sometimes she tickles me. I love feeling her! It really is so cool! Jeff got to feel her kick on Father's Day. We were sitting in church and she was doing some thumping and Jeff finally had his hand in the right spot at the right time. He'd been trying for a while and got lucky.
I'm still feeling really good. I've had some round ligament pain and some heartburn, but nothing unbearable. I'm showing very obviously now and have had several strangers ask when I'm due. Even though getting bigger and heavier is the hardest part for me, I really do just love how I look right now, so cute, just like a little mama-to-be. I'm really weepy, more so than normal. I cry at songs on the radio, movies and sometimes just thinking about the day when we'll bring Ainsley home for the first time.
We are starting to work on pulling things together for Ainsley's arrival. We've registered for labor and birth classes and a day-long class about baby care. We're slowly acquiring things we'll need, mostly from garage sales. We started our registry at Babies'R'Us and have most of it taken care of. We finally settled on crib and changing table. My favorite find so far was from this Saturday. I love garage sales, especially now that I'm shopping for baby things! There was a lady selling tons and tons of baby girl clothes at a sale this Saturday. She is a shopaholic and bought most of her girl's clothes at nice shops like Gymboree and Janie and Jack. I got a huge bag of super cute, high-end baby clothes for $20! I don't consider myself a beacon of fashion necessarily, but I do like to dress well and have fun with colors and patterns. All the same for Ainsley! I didn't realize how much fun I'm going to have dressing a little girl until this weekend. And now I'm super excited about that too!